Import Points

AuthorJerry Simington [Prev] [Next] by Author
CategoryImport/Export Data [Prev] [Next] by Category
Type (Source?)Application (Not Included)
LicenceCommercial ($?)
StatusTo be reviewed



Stand-alone operation
    - this version does not require TurboCAD
    - this version can produce DXF files or STL files
    - this version can create geometry (points or a surface) directly into TurboCAB

Beyond text files -- an awesome set of data file formats can be processed including:
    - text files - linear or latitude/longitude - degrees/minutes/seconds - txt
    - binary interleave line file - bil
    - ESRI Shape files - shp,dbf,shx
    - ESRI Export files - e00
    - Digital Elevation Models in Text - dem
    - Digital Elevation Models in binary (STDS) - ddf
    - GeoTiff - tif, tiff
    - Geo-referenced image - bmp with world file

Processing options include
    - point filtering
    - triangulation
    - surface of facets
    - closed surface of facets

Output options include
    - points
    - polygons
    - triangles
    - contours
    - image creation
    - Geo-referenced image creation clip from geo-tiff
    - direct geometry creation into TurboCAD
    - dxf point file creation
    - dxf polyline file creation
    - sat file creation

Coordinate Transformations
    - World Wide Transforms
    - State Planes


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