Creating text

AuthorIMSI/SoftDev [Prev] [Next] by Author
CategoryGraphic - Create [Prev] [Next] by Category
Type (Source?)Macro (VBA)
StatusTo be reviewed



This example shows how to add text graphics to the drawing, as well as change font, justification, and text mode. The sample also creates text that lies inside and outside of a circle graphic object.

Build Instructions

Download and unzip the archive. Add a new project named "text" to any TurboCAD drawing, and attach the Text.tcm file. There are 4 macros included: TextAlongCircle, TextFont, TextJustification, and TextMode. Run each macro and see the result.

Incudes a text around a circle function that might be handy sometimes

This macro should be available in your 'Macros' folder


Download: .../IMSI/VBA/ (9KB)
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URL of this page: <A href ='' target = '_blank'>TCDRC - Page 00174</A>